im cicada days ^^ im a self taught artist and character designer as well as an occasional gamer. i like shonen anime, super mario, and hit webcomic homestuck with a special interest in bugs!! im autistic and i absolutely suck at understanding whats socially acceptable so if i say something that makes you uncomfortable please speak up! peace and love on planet insect. 

i uses we/wem, he/him, and thou/thee pronouns mainly but i also have a bunch of cool neos!

i kin a lot of characters! check out my kin tumblr! it’s got a huuuge collection of art and text posts that have kin feels for me

heres some more links!

ps its all organized by character! for images that i made or had made to look like me check the tag #i look like this !

main tumblr

thanks for sticking around! why not draw something!

check my pronouns page

Name: Jack “Jack Off” Octavius Sollux Strider-Captor

Status: <3 as of 5/20/24 <> as of 10/4/23


kidswap askblog

sprite blog

Let me tell you about homestuck